midjourney pricing

Unlock Savings: Midjourney Pricing Plans Explained Clearly (Subscription Plans 2023)

in Midjourney-Tshirt-Design, AI Tools on September 4, 2023

Unlock Savings: Midjourney Pricing Plans Explained (Subscription Plans 2024)

In the ever-evolving landscape of AI-driven creative tools, Midjourney stands as a beacon of innovation. This remarkable AI software empowers users to effortlessly craft stunning AI-generated images, ushering in a new era of digital creativity. However, understanding Midjourney’s pricing structure is paramount to fully unlocking its potential while aligning with your specific needs and budget.

What is Midjourney?

Midjourney is a cutting-edge AI-powered platform that excels in the rapid generation of high-quality images. Leveraging the formidable capabilities of artificial intelligence and machine learning, Midjourney produces images that are virtually indistinguishable from those created by human artists. Whether you’re a digital artist seeking inspiration or a content creator aiming to enhance your online presence with captivating visuals, Midjourney offers a vast library of AI-generated images tailored to your creative needs.

Creating unique and captivating t-shirt designs has never been easier than with Midjourney AI. By harnessing the power of artificial intelligence and machine learning, Midjourney empowers designers to craft stunning and original graphics that can be seamlessly translated onto t-shirts.

Skeleton Playing A Guitar T-Shirt Design.

How to Get Midjourney

Getting started with Midjourney is a straightforward process:

  1. Visit the official Midjourney website.
  2. Sign up for an account.
  3. Choose between a free trial account and a subscription-based plan.

How to Use Midjourney

Using Midjourney is intuitive and user-friendly:

  • Access Midjourney through the user-friendly web app or integrate the Midjourney bot into your Discord server.
  • Navigate through various features and options effortlessly.
  • Generate AI images quickly and efficiently to meet your creative demands.

Writing Midjourney Prompts

One of Midjourney’s key features is the ability to write prompts to guide the AI image generation process:

  • Provide specific prompts to influence the style, subject matter, and overall aesthetic of the AI-generated image.
  • Tailor the output to match your artistic vision and create unique, AI-driven artwork.
Watermelon Island Retro Style T-Shirt Design

The Cost of Midjourney

Understanding the cost of Midjourney is essential to make an informed decision. Let’s dive into the pricing details:

Midjourney Membership Plans

Midjourney offers several subscription plans to cater to different needs and budgets. Here’s a breakdown of the available plans:

midjourney subscription plan

Please note that these prices are per month and can be billed annually for a 20% discount. The table provides a concise overview of the key features and pricing for each Midjourney subscription plan.

What are “Fast Hours” ?

Fast Hours” in the context of Midjourney refer to the two distinct modes available for image generation: “fast” and “relax.” The “fast” mode is designed to provide users with immediate access to a GPU, making it the highest priority processing tier within Midjourney. While it offers rapid processing, it’s worth noting that this mode is relatively more expensive due to its premium nature. On the other hand, the “relax” mode operates by placing users in a queue, with the queue order determined by how much the system has been utilized in relax mode.

Each of Midjourney’s subscription plans offers a specific allocation of “Fast Hours” per month, which signifies the amount of GPU processing time available for users in the fast mode. These allocations are as follows: the Basic Plan provides 200 fast GPU-minutes per month, the Standard Plan offers 15 fast GPU-hours per month, and the Pro Plan includes 30 GPU-hours per month in the fast mode.

To put these numbers into perspective, one hour of fast GPU processing roughly equates to the execution of 60 image generation or upscale commands and approximately 200 image variation commands. However, it’s important to bear in mind that these numerical values are subject to change as they are considered experimental and may be adjusted by Midjourney at any time.

Understanding the allocation of “Fast Hours” is crucial for users to make the most of Midjourney’s image generation capabilities while staying within the constraints of their chosen subscription plan. It’s a vital component of optimizing the creative process and efficiently utilizing Midjourney’s resources to generate high-quality AI-powered images.

What is unlimited relaxed generation in midjourney ?

Unlimited relaxed generation in Midjourney represents an exceptional advantage for users seeking to harness the full potential of AI-generated images. Unlike the fast mode, which operates on a priority basis and has limitations based on subscription plans, the “unlimited relaxed generation” feature allows users to access a virtually boundless wellspring of creative possibilities. This mode ensures that users are not constrained by fixed quotas or time restrictions when generating AI-powered images, offering the freedom to explore and create without constraints.

With unlimited relaxed generation, users can take their time to experiment, fine-tune their artwork, and explore different creative avenues. It’s a valuable resource for artists, designers, content creators, and businesses who require the flexibility to generate AI images at their own pace without the pressure of meeting strict limits. This feature empowers users to fully express their creativity, knowing that they have ample resources at their disposal, making Midjourney a versatile tool for a wide range of creative endeavors. Ultimately, unlimited relaxed generation enhances the overall user experience and underscores Midjourney’s commitment to providing a dynamic platform for digital artistry and content creation.

Buy More Fast Hours

Midjourney’s “Buy More Fast Hours” option is a valuable solution for users who find themselves in need of additional processing power beyond their monthly subscription allocation. When you’ve exhausted your Fast GPU hours and wish to continue creating without waiting for your subscription to renew, this feature allows you to purchase extra Fast GPU hours at a rate of $4 per hour. It’s a convenient and flexible way to supplement your processing capacity on-demand, ensuring uninterrupted access to Midjourney’s powerful image generation capabilities.

It’s important to note that these hourly prices are considered experimental and may be subject to change over time. Nonetheless, the ability to acquire additional Fast GPU hours at your discretion enhances your creative workflow, enabling you to maintain your creative momentum and explore new horizons in AI-generated artistry. This option underscores Midjourney’s commitment to providing users with a dynamic and adaptable platform that caters to their evolving needs.

Switching plans in Midjourney

Switching plans in Midjourney offers users the flexibility to adapt their subscription to their evolving needs seamlessly. Whether you need to scale up your creative endeavors or adjust your usage, Midjourney makes it simple to switch plans.

Upgrade Options: Users can upgrade their plan at any time. When making an upgrade, you have the choice to make it effective immediately or at the end of your current billing cycle. Opting for an immediate upgrade ensures you get access to the enhanced features right away, while selecting an upgrade at the end of the billing cycle allows you to maximize your current subscription’s benefits.

Prorated Pricing: When upgrading immediately, Midjourney calculates a prorated price based on your usage of the plan you are upgrading from. This means you only pay for the additional features you’re gaining, taking into account any unused portion of your existing plan.

Here’s a table that illustrates the prorated credits for upgrading:

Subscription PlanUnused Fast GPU TimeCredit Towards New Plan
BasicNot used$10
Standard50% used$15
ProPartially usedCalculated proportionally
MegaPartially usedCalculated proportionally

Downgrades: Downgrades, on the other hand, are always effective at the end of the current billing cycle. This ensures that you receive the full benefits of your existing plan until the end of the billing period.

By allowing users to switch plans with ease and offering prorated pricing for upgrades, Midjourney empowers users to fine-tune their subscriptions to match their specific requirements. This flexibility is a testament to Midjourney’s commitment to providing a user-centric experience, making it a valuable tool for creative professionals, artists, and businesses seeking the perfect balance between features and affordability.

Canceling a subscription with Midjourney

Canceling a subscription with Midjourney is a straightforward process designed to give users control over their subscription status. To initiate a cancellation, users can visit the Midjourney account page at https://www.midjourney.com/account/. It’s important to note that cancellations take effect at the conclusion of the current billing cycle, ensuring that users can continue to enjoy their subscription benefits until the end of the billing period.

These benefits include access to the community gallery and the bulk download tool, which remain available throughout the current billing cycle. Importantly, any generated images created during the subscription period are not deleted when a user cancels their subscription. Midjourney’s commitment to user flexibility also means that users can resubscribe to a plan at any time by visiting the account page, providing them with a seamless way to re-access the platform’s powerful AI image generation capabilities.

Refund Policy

Midjourney offers a fair and transparent refund policy for subscribers who have used less than 20 GPU minutes, including time spent in Relax Mode. If you meet the eligibility criteria for a refund, the platform simplifies the process by automatically presenting a dialog box when you initiate the account cancellation procedure. This user-centric approach ensures that subscribers who may have unused resources can easily access refunds, providing peace of mind and flexibility in managing their subscriptions. It’s a testament to Midjourney’s commitment to providing a hassle-free experience for its users, making it a platform that values customer satisfaction and fairness in its policies.


What is Midjourney?

Midjourney is an innovative AI software that allows users to create stunning, AI-generated images rapidly. It harnesses the power of artificial intelligence and machine learning to produce images that are virtually indistinguishable from those created by human artists.

How do I get Midjourney?

Getting started with Midjourney is easy. Simply visit the Midjourney website, sign up for an account, and choose between a free trial account or a subscription-based plan.

How do I use Midjourney?

Using Midjourney is straightforward. Once you have an account and a subscription plan, you can access Midjourney through the user-friendly web app or by integrating the Midjourney bot into your Discord server.

How do I write Midjourney prompts?

Midjourney allows you to write prompts to guide the AI image generation process. By providing specific prompts, you can influence the style, subject matter, and overall aesthetic of the AI-generated image.

What is the cost of Midjourney?

Midjourney offers different subscription plans to suit various needs and budgets. Prices range from $10 per month for the Basic Plan to $120 per month for the Mega Plan.

Is Midjourney unlimited?

While Midjourney offers unlimited access to its platform, certain subscription plans restrict the number of AI-generated images you can download per month. Choose a plan that aligns with your usage requirements.

Can I get Midjourney for free?

Midjourney offers a free trial account, but access to the full suite of features and unlimited use of the AI-generated image library is only available through the paid subscription plans.

Is Midjourney worth it?

The worth of Midjourney depends on your specific needs and budget. It’s an invaluable tool for digital artists, content creators, and businesses with frequent image generation requirements.

How can I use Midjourney without Discord?

While Discord integration is convenient, you can access and use Midjourney through the web app without the need for a Discord server.

How do I switch Midjourney plans?

You can switch plans at any time. When upgrading, you can choose whether the change is effective immediately or at the end of the billing cycle. Downgrades are always effective at the end of the current billing cycle.

Can I get a refund?

Refunds are available for subscribers who have used less than 20 GPU minutes, including time used in Relax Mode. Eligible subscribers will see a dialog box automatically when canceling their account.

What happens to generated images when I cancel my subscription?

Generated images are not deleted when you cancel your subscription. You can resubscribe at any time to access your previously created images.

These FAQs should provide a comprehensive overview of Midjourney’s pricing, features, and policies, helping users navigate their experience with this innovative AI software.

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