
Dad & Son T-Shirt Design Bundle For Free

Free Download: Dad & Son T-shirt Design Bundle

Celebrate the special bond between father and son with our free Dad & Son T-shirt design bundle. This collection is an ideal Father’s Day gift, offering unique designs that capture the essence of this cherished relationship.

Perfect Father’s Day Gift

Our free T-shirt design bundle is specially curated for Father’s Day, featuring designs that reflect the love, strength, and fun shared between dads and their sons. It’s a thoughtful way to celebrate this special day.

Beautiful Graffiti Effect

Each design in the bundle boasts a stunning graffiti effect, adding an artistic and contemporary touch to the traditional Father’s Day gift. These dynamic designs are sure to be appreciated by both dads and sons who enjoy modern, urban styles.

Optimized for DTG, DTF, & White Toner Printing

This free T-shirt design bundle is suitable for DTG (Direct to Garment), DTF (Direct to Film), and White Toner printing methods. The black knocked out designs ensure vibrant and striking prints on various garments.

AI & PNG Files for Customization and Ease of Use

The bundle includes both AI and PNG files. AI files can be manipulated in Adobe Illustrator for those who wish to customize the designs further. PNG files are perfect for use in Photoshop, Affinity Designer, and other software supporting the PNG format, offering versatility and accessibility.

High-Resolution for Premium Quality Prints

With a resolution of 300 dpi and file dimensions of 15” x 19”, our free T-shirt design bundle guarantees high-quality prints. The clarity and detail in each design ensure that every print looks professional and visually appealing.

Simple Download and Unzip Process

Accessing these heartfelt father and son designs is straightforward. Simply unzip the folder to extract the high-resolution AI and PNG files, and you’re ready to start creating memorable Father’s Day apparel.

Download the Dad & Son T-shirt design bundle for free today, and add a special and artistic touch to your Father’s Day gifts.

Product Information

  • Price


  • File Included

    AI - PNG

  • File Size

    3.7 MB

  • Compatible With

    Adobe Illustrator - Photoshop - Affinity Designer

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